Sven Schwannberger belongs to the very few specialists worldwide of self-accompanied singing of the 16th and 17th centuries. For many years he has studied sources of historical singing techniques and of early basso continuo on lutes and chitarroni, and now happily puts into practice this amalgamation of skills. His repertoire is vast and contains the whole spectrum of lute song, baroque opera, early oratorio and Italian monody.

He received his training in Munich, Kassel and at the Schola Cantorum Basilensis in Basel, where he remains enormously grateful to his former teachers. His work on old-singing has always been intrinsically based (particularly the graceful "gorgia-singing" of the renaissance and early baroque period, which is entirely controlled by the throat), but also with great reverence for general culture, art, and above all, the poetry of the period.

Sven Schwannberger's international concert activity is both complemented and inspired by his ever-increasing musicological work and teaching activities; his PhD is a basic work on early baroque maniera and voice, and Sven Schwannberger is on the teaching staff at the Schola Cantorum Basilensis, where he teaches improvisation, ornamentation, and historical performance practice.

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